Giving is a biblical principle that when lived by, produces joy in our lives. We give, out of our hearts & love for God
Thank you for your support. Choose a fund to give towards and an amount for your gift. Your giving is making a difference in this church, our community, and the world.
To make your donation please consign to our bank account 540035045 in the name of the Lynval and Cove Baptist Church at Banco Bogota(Colombia) then email us with the consignation slip by Clicking here
A Few Ways Your Generosity Makes a Difference
Tithes & Offering
When you give cheerfully, it shows that you’re doing it out of love for God and not out of obligation. This is what pleases Him the most!
When you bless others through your giving, the Bible says that your gifts are pleasing to God
Our building have help us do more community outreach and now he needs our help for our growing congregation
Freely Receive, Freely Give
You can help by donating any goods, clothes, etc.. to our needy ones.